
August 3, 2018

Quoted in Law360, Partner Catherine Brennan says clients are "very excited to see the announcement" on OCC Fintech Charter

Hudson Cook Partner Catherine Brennan expressed excitement on behalf of many of her fintech clients when the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) released its proposed fintech charter on July 31. Catherine told Law360, "It's a very positive signal for the industry and also for consumers." Catherine agreed with other attorneys that it is still an open question how many tech firms will actually take the OCC up on its offer of a limited banking charter.

Catherine primarily assists investors in the consumer financial services and alternative business funding sectors. She engages in credit due diligence on behalf of investors in Fintech firms, bank partnership platforms, small business lenders, merchant cash advance companies, consumer finance companies, title loan companies and payday lenders.

Subscribers to Law360 can click here to read the full article.

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