March 24, 2025
The New Era Of FCRA: Understanding The CFPB's Proposed Rulemaking
Monday, March 24th
The New Era Of FCRA: Understanding The CFPB's Proposed Rulemaking
2:45 PM - 3:30 PM
Grand Ballroom F-K
Becki Kuehn and David Anthony will discuss the CFPB's recent - and long promised - proposed FCRA rulemaking. This presentation will provide a deep dive on the proposed changes, their implications for CRA's, furnishers, data brokers, users and consumers and the associated rulemaking timelines. Among other things, they will discuss the CFPB's proposed changes to the definitions of "consumer report" and "consumer reporting agency", the potential impact on data brokers, "credit header" information and the scope of "legitimate business needs".
- David Anthony, Troutman Pepper Locke, Partner
- Rebecca Kuehn, Hudson Cook, LLP, Partner
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