March 25, 2025
Staying Out Of The Limelight: How to Remain Privacy Compliant And Out Of The AG Headlines
Webb McArthur, Megan Nicholls and Erik Kosa
Tuesday, March 25th
Staying Out Of The Limelight: How to Remain Privacy Compliant And Out Of The AG Headlines
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
Arlington Salon 2
Between new threats from old surveillance laws to new laws on automated decisionmaking and AI, U.S. states are ramping up enforcement of privacy laws. This panel will discuss new risks for screeners and data companies—from state privacy laws beyond the comprehensive consumer data laws relating to data brokering, biometric information, data security, deceptive trade practices, and more—and how to avoid regulator and AG attention.
- Webb McArthur, Hudson Cook, LLP, Partner
- Erik Kosa, Hudson Cook, LLP, Counsel
- Megan Nicholls, Hudson Cook, LLP, Partner
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