March 24, 2025
Who's Afraid Of Little Old State Law: Strategies For Managing Your State Law Compliance
Rebecca E. Kuehn and K. Dailey Wilson
Monday, March 24th
Who's Afraid Of Little Old State Law: Strategies For Managing Your State Law Compliance
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM
Grand Ballroom F-K
So you have nailed down your FCRA compliance and think you're safe and sound. Think again - there are state mini-FCRA laws and other state laws to worry about. Overlay that with FCRA preemption and the potential for increased state regulatory involvement - and you have a compliance challenge! Don't let "would've, could've, should've" be your motto — learn how to manage compliance with state laws, including monitoring changes and using your PBSA membership to avoid bad blood with state regulators and private plaintiffs.
- Rebecca Kuehn, Hudson Cook, LLP, Partner
- Dailey Wilson, Hudson Cook LLP